eOxide fully automated ORP controled forTropical fruit post harvest wash

The ORP in this flume is ORP controlled and dosed with a mazzei injection system
Fully automated ORP controller
No more hoping or guessing whether the desired ORP as recommended is achieved trough out production. The controller will regulate the flow of Clo2 to the washing system at all times.
'Uitreksel' Navorsingsnuus van CRI vir vrugte was stelsels CRI snykant Nr177
Vrugwas stelsels As gevolg van die hoe na-oes swamspoorlading en organiesestowwe op die oppervlaktesitrusvrugte ,moet die vrugte in een van twee tipes vrugwas stelsels gewas en ontsmet word nl.Natdompel en/of droogdompel in n oorvloei stelsel soos hier onder. Die ontsmettings middel (eOxide) sal die swamspore dood maak en sodoende verhoed dat die stelsel n bron word van inokulum. Die ORP ("Oxydation Reduction Potential") moet konstant op 800 Mv gehandhaf word
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